Saint Martin of Tours Catholic Church

Sunday School

Sunday School

Young parishioners, pre-K to 8th grade may attend Sunday School held in the Pioneer Room on Sundays from during the 12:00 noon mass. Parents, grandparents or guardians interested in enrolling their child in Sunday School may do so on any Sunday.



Adults wishing to become Catholics or to be Baptized, receive First Holy Communion, or be Confirmed should join the RCIA Class (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). These sacraments are usually performed at the Easter services. This class is also for returning, not confirmed Catholics and those wishing to renew and enrich their faith life. Please contact Fr. Kelley in the rectory by phone or by email.

IMPAC Retreats

Has your spiritual journey taken a detour?

Do you need some healing?

Do you need time to reconnect with God?

St. Martin's IMPAC (IMProving my Act with Christ) retreat is for you!

If interested in attending, please constact Fr. Michael Kelly in the rectory by phone or by email.