Parents wishing to have their newborn to five year old children baptized, should contact Fr. Michael Kelly in the rectory by phone or by email.
Parents wishing to have their newborn to five year old children baptized, should contact Fr. Michael Kelly in the rectory by phone or by email.
The sacrament of Penance is available anytime upon request to Fr. Michael Kelley.
Parents who have children over the age of five, who have not been baptized or received their First Holy Communion, should enroll their children in Sunday School contact Fr. Michael Kelley in the rectory by phone or by email.
Confirmation classes are available to children 13 years and older. The classes are held after the 12noon mass on Sundays. Parents, grandparents, or guardians who wish to enroll their child in the confirmation classes should contact the rectory by phone or by email.
Couples contemplating marriage should contact the rectory by phone or by email six months before the date on which they wish to marry, to provide adequate counseling before entering into this new state of Christian life.