Saint Martin of Tours Catholic Church



Acolytes, also known as Altar Servers, serve the parish by assisting the Celebrant during Mass and liturgical celebrations. This ministry is open to adults and all youth over the age of nine. Training is made available by Fr. Michael Kelley. Please contact her at the rectory by phone or by email.

Eucharistic Minister

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist the Celebrant at the Mass by distributing the hosts and wine during communion. They also serve the parish by ministering to the sick and shut-ins in the community. Anyone interested in this ministry should contact Fr. Michael Kelley at the rectory by phone or by email.



Lectors proclaim God's Word at each mass and during other liturgical celebrations. Adults and teens are welcome to participate in this ministry. Training and books are provided. Anyone interested in becoming a lector should contact Fr. Michael Kelley in the rectory by phone or by email.



Ushers offer greetings to parish visitors. They are responsible for taking collections and ensure that our parish community and guests are comfortable during each mass. This ministry is open to adults and youth. If you are interested in becoming an usher, please contact the rectory by phone or by email.